martes, 2 de abril de 2019

I'd like to travel...


Hi everyone!

I would like to travel first across the country before traveling abroad. I have traveled to Lake Villarica, Valdivia, Concepción and Coquimbo. I would like to visit Puerto Natales, which is a city with a beautiful landscape, Gray Lake has a large ice float and a glacier called Graciar Gray and from this city I could visit the Torres del Paine and I will go to the fjords of Patagonia (really I would like to know some fjord in the world). I do not know more about this city, but I have seen many images about this city. If I am going to travel to Puerto Natales, one of the first things I would like to do is navigate to see the glacier and I would like to go with my partner because I would like us to live the experience together and he loves to travel the country.


Imagen relacionada
This postcard is amazing!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I think Chile have a beautiful places to visit!
    I see you the next week :)

  2. Hello my friend,

    I love this place, It's very beautiful.

  3. Chile has the best places to travel 💖



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