martes, 9 de abril de 2019

           I don't have interesting hobbies! But sometimes in my free time, I watch series or I read a book.
 A year ago, I picked up a hobby: brush lettering! I was inspired after seeing pinterest and instagram posts these amazing pieces of art and calligraphy.

Brush lettering or Hand Lettering is the art of drawing letters or a beautiful styles of writing. Hand lettering is a connection between design and words.

Resultado de imagen para hand letteringFor practice brush lettering, I just need a brush pen and paper and many patience for get a beautiful result. My favorites pens are Tombow brush pen and Pentel fine brush pen and I prefer satin paper because so my pens don’t break.
I practice this hobby in the desktop of my room or sometimes I practice in the classes that are boring.
A months ago, I was practicing hand lettering many hours a week but recently I've not practiced.

Resultado de imagen para bye bye barbie gif

1 comentario:


Hi everyone Today, I’m going to write about the future, my future. I'm super idealist and I usually imagine a lot of things of how my ...